According to the nipple and the areola position, there are three types of ptosis: advanced, moderate and mild. The breast ptosis degree will determine the type of surgery.
For a slight breast sagging which does not reach the ptosis level, it would be appropriated a high volume mammary prostheses to raise the breast, consequently, for an optimal and satisfactory result it should be performed a simple breast augmentation with high volume prostheses + info.
In women who wish to raise, fill and/or augment their breast size, it could be combined both the breast lift technique and breast augmentation with mammary prostheses, known as ‘inverted T’ mastopexy with prostheses.
‘Inverted T’ mastopexy with/without prostheses will be performed under general anaesthesia with previous tests carried out by our anaesthetists and a 24 hours hospitalisation. The surgery will last from 3 to 5 hours, depending on the breast complexity.
Dr. Joaquín Pérez-Guisado Rosa and his team are characterised by their education, professionalism, experience, integrity and accessibility, with a great result and safety to give your breast the size, shape and position you always dreamt of.
A high-quality surgeon does not mean a high cost. Dr. Joaquín Pérez-Guisado Rosa offers you a breast augmentation surgery with the highest quality standards in every step of the procedure, with the best value in Andalucía.
How long should I be away from work after undergoing a mastopexy with/ without prostheses?
In cases with women whose mammary implants have been placed in the subpectoral plane, they must wait a week to join their working life if their work is sedentary (students or administratives). By contrast, if their work is more physical, the must wait at least two weeks. In the case of patients who have undergone a mastopexy with/without prostheses placed in the subglandular plane, the incorporation to almost every work could be 5-7 days after the surgery.
There is a pathology that discourage undergoing a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
This surgery could not be performed in patients with blood clotting, healing alterations or severe health problems. Furthermore, there is not a proven pathology that is contraindicated in a mastopexy with/without prostheses. However, if the patient has mammary cancer, the best choice is to address this problem first so as to continue with the prostheses breast reconstruction.
When will I be able to do physical exercise after a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
We must distinguish between if the mastopexy is performed with or without prostheses, in the case of using prostheses, we should consider if the prostheses have been placed in the pectoral or the subglandular plane. Generally, if the mastopexy has been performed without prostheses or the prostheses have been placed in the subglandular plane, you can do physical exercise that does not involve tension in the operated area 1 or 2 weeks after surgery. We should avoid that the sweat reaches the wounded area in order to prevent a possible infection until it is fully healed. If a mastopexy with prostheses is placed in the subpectoral plane, the patient, as before, should avoid sweating and wait around 2-4 weeks to do physical activity that does not imply a pectoral muscle activation, and around 4-8 weeks to do any type of activity.
Which prostheses sizes are there?
Depending on trading houses, the prosthesis volume will have a minimum or a maximum, although they can be tailored. Generally, the size range of the majority of the trading houses tend to be from 90 to 600-800 grammes. Dr. Joaquín Pérez-Guisado Rosa works with volumes from 90 to 645 grammes, being able to request tailored prostheses in very selected cases.
Why is so important the compressive bandage after a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
Dr. Joaquín Pérez-Guisado Rosa will put you a compressive bandage during 3-4 days to avoid a possible postoperative haematoma onset, since drainages are not used for being a possible source of infection that could suit the onset of a capsular contracture.
When and how long should I wear the postoperative mammary compressive bandage (in case of a mastopexy with prostheses) and the adjusted sports bra?
Once the compressive bandage is removed, the patient must wear the breast implant stabilizer around 1-2 weeks if she has undergone a mastopexy with prostheses. In the case of a mastopexy without prostheses, the breast implant stabilizer will not be necessary and you will need to wear the adjusted sports bra during 2-4 weeks, depending on every patient’s evolution.
What kind of bra should I wear during the mastopexy with/without prostheses postoperative period?
You should wear an adjusted sports bra with front closure to give you extra-comfort. Wearing the bra as long as possible (including sleeping time) will avoid the prostheses to move, reducing pain and ensuring an optimal result.
Which volume and mammary implant should I choose in a mastopexy with prostheses surgery?
The choice will be determined by the thoracic proportions and dimensions of every patient, considering their preferences at any time. The prostheses election will be performed intraoperatively, with a previous interview with the patient.
How to detect a prosthesis rupture in a mastopexy?
A prosthesis rupture is asymptomatic and it can be detected via ultrasound. From the tenth to the fifteenth year, Dr. Joaquín Pérez-Guisado Rosa recommends to submit yearly ultrasound controls, since they are low cost reliable tests. In doubtful cases, it may be required to carry out a magnetic resonance as a definitive diagnostic test.
Which are the most frequent complications after a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
The haematoma and the wound dehiscence or the internal stitches extrusion with their consequent anaesthetic scar. This is more frequent in the junction area of the vertical scar with the ‘inverted T’ horizontal.
How long does the mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery take?
If an ‘inverted T’ mastopexy with/without prostheses is performed, the surgery will last from 3 to 5 hours approximately, depending on the breast complexity.
When will I get the definitive result after the mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
Generally, you will see the definitive result of the surgery 3 months after surgery.
When will I be able to wear an underwired bra after a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
Generally, you must wait around 6 months to wear an underwired bra, so as to prevent it to nail in the surgical scar if the entry is placed in the mammary fold. However, if you have an event (lunch, dinner, etc.) you can wear it occasionally.
Does the mastopexy with/without prostheses postoperative period hurts much?
It depends on whether the mastopexy is with or without prostheses, the postoperative could be more or less painful. The first 3 days are the most uncomfortable due to the compressive bandage, but if you follow the indications of Dr. Joaquín Pérez-Guisado Rosa the postoperative period will be bearable, feeling better after a week.
Could I breastfeed my children after a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
If you undergo an ‘inverted T’ mastopexy, due to the internal remodelation of the mammary tissue and lactiferous ducts, probably you will not be able to breastfeed.
If I undergo a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery and I become pregnant then, can my breast be deformed?
The breast morphology could be modified due to hormonal changes caused in pregnancy. There are women who are more affected than others.
Is it necessary to use drainages in a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
Dr. Joaquín Pérez-Guisado Rosa prefers not to use drainages, because it is proven that they are a risk of infection and consequently they should only be used when strictly necessary.
When should I change the prostheses after a mastopexy with prostheses surgery?
Prostheses are guaranteed for life, they are of the highest quality and comply with EN 12180 of EEC (European Economic Community). When the surgery finishes, Dr. Joaquín Pérez-Guisado Rosa or his assistant gives the person accompanying the patient a card with the codes of both prostheses that should be kept as warranty. In case of rupture, due to lifetime warranty, the trading house will replace the prostheses for free. Anyway, generally, the prostheses offer an estimated durability of 15 to 25 years, varying according to the patient.
What is a haematoma in a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
It is the most frequent immediate complication after a mastopexy, although its apparition is a remote risk. To prevent it, Dr. Joaquín Pérez-Guisado Rosa will put you a compressive bandage and take the necessary precautions during the surgical intervention clotting every bleeding areas and washing them with haemostatic solutions.
When will I be able to go home after a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
After surgery, you will be admitted with a complete-stay hospitalisation (you will spend one night at hospital and you will go home next day).
Could tenderness be altered after a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
Transitional changes on breast tenderness may occur due to an excess or a defect that will be regularised after a few months. Exceptionally, these minimum alterations could stay for life from the year of the surgery, being unusual.
Can I have a mammogram if I have undergone a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
Of course you can, provided that you inform your radiologist in advance.
Is there a link between breast cancer and prostheses?
There is no scientific evidence that links breast cancer with mammary implants.
General anaesthesia or local anaesthesia in a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery, which is the safest one?
General anaesthesia, although it could be performed with local anaesthesia, it will be necessary large doses of local anaesthetics, which are much more toxic and less safe than the inhalational gases of general anaesthesia.
Will there be scars left after the mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
Scars will be imperceptible if you follow Dr. Joaquín Pérez-Guisado Rosa advices. At first, the scar will be rosier and little by little it will get whiter, until being imperceptible. Scars will remain in the mammary fold, one around the areola and another vertical scar from the areola to the mammary fold (this last would be the most imperceptible).
When will I be able to drive after a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
Due to the pains, generally, you will be able to drive 1-3 weeks after the surgery.
When can I have a shower after a mastopexy with/without prostheses surgery?
You can have a shower 3 days after the surgery when the compressive bandage is removed, taking care of the surgical area.